Journey - April 16th, 21
Journey - April 16th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey - April 16th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

When you know that you are loved, when you know that you are valued, you can have peace, courage, and strength. Twice in this amazing vision that Daniel is given, he is affirmed and strengthened by the words that he is precious in the sight of God, in the wake of this declaration of what is, that Daniel is loved by God. From there comes peace, from there comes courage, and from there comes strength. And the same is so for us. It's on the foundation of what is true. God's love for you, that you can begin to move forward in this life in peace, courage and strength. Verse 18, and 19. The final verses of this amazing chapter, Daniel says, "then the one who looked like a man touched me again, and I felt my strength returning. Don't be afraid, he said, for you are very precious to God. Peace, be encouraged, be strong."

Here, this declaration today, the words God speaks over the Son of Man Daniel, have been spoken over all of humanity through THE Son of Man, our Lord Jesus, because Jesus has demonstrated his love for the whole world. We can have peace, we can have courage, and we can be strong, even today. Amen. 



You are loved!