Journey - April 18th, 21
Journey - April 18th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey - April 18th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

which Jesus do we choose? The author of life? The one who lays down his life for the world, the one that Luke calls a servant in this passage? Do we choose this Jesus? Or do we choose a murder? an insurrectionist? Do we choose the one who sought power by any means necessary, by force? By murder? This was the choice they were faced with. Jesus, the servant of God stood before the crowd and Jesus Barabas,  Barabas, the murder, the insurrectionists. He too was offered to the crowd by pilot and the religious crowd and the religious leaders chose Jesus Barabas, they chose the way of force, the way of power by any means necessary. And how about us? How about now? religious leaders religious crowd that we are, who do we choose? Which way do we choose? The way of self giving servanthood the way of the cross? Or do we choose power now? God help us to see God help us to repent. God have mercy on us. Help us to choose you. Amen.


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