Journey - April 20th, 21
Journey - April 20th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey - April 20th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

"Grace, mercy and peace come from God the Father, and the Son." This is what john tells us in verse three. If we're not careful, we might think that God the Father is somehow different than God revealed to us in Jesus. That Jesus is somehow the gracious and merciful one who saves us from God the Father. I've even heard it preached that Jesus saves us from God. But that is not what John says. John wants to tell us clearly that grace, mercy and peace come from God the Father, and the Son, in the anointing of the Spirit. There is no shadow side of God behind the back of Jesus, that we must be saved from. All that can be known about the Father is seen in the face of Jesus. There is no division in the Trinity. This isn't good cop, bad cop. That's why Jesus tells Philip, when you see me, you see the Father. Jesus doesn't come to save us from the Father. He comes to reveal the father to us. The Father who was full of grace, mercy and peace. So let us rejoice in the grace of our Father today. And let us live in the truth of who he is. And let us live in love. For God is love. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen.


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