Journey - April 24th, 21
Journey - April 24th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey - April 24th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

He sees with compassion. He looks out over the crowds after he gets out of the boat. And he has compassion on the multitude. Sometimes we struggle to think of God is looking upon humanity with compassion. Religion often tells us the opposite. That God looks at the bulk of humanity, not with compassion, but with judgment, with a heart full of retribution. That's not what we see here with Jesus. It's not retribution. It's not judgment. It's not anything like that. Instead, he looks to the world and to all its people, with the eye and the heart of a compassionate Shepherd, ready to lead his sheep to green pastures, ready to lead them besides still waters, ready to prepare a feast for them in the midst of this harsh world, ready to lay down his life for the sheep. This is how God looks at the crowds, at the multitude, at the world. This is how God looks at you and me, like a good and compassionate shepherd and that is such good news. Amen.


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