Journey - April 25th, 21
Journey - April 25th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey - April 25th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

We know what real love is, says John. What a statement to know what real love is. To know, to experience within oneself, to identify fully with. We know love, says John. John's not talking about a philosophical concept. He's not talking about some romantic notion. John is referring to a person. We know what real love is, he says, and he came, and he walked among us, He loved us. Love is a person. Love is God, who became a human being. John says, we know him. And then he tells us what love has done. Love laid down his life for his brothers and sisters. Love has come to us in the flesh. He's identified with us in our flesh in our humanity. And he says to the whole world, you are my brothers. You are my sisters. And I'm laying down my life for you, in order that I might take it up, and take you up with me into the life that I share with my Father in the Spirit. This is who love is, and this is what love has done. Do you know the self giving radically forgiving, co suffering love of Jesus? Our brother, our Shepherd, our Lord. He knows you. He has laid down his life for you. And he has shown the whole world what real love is Lord Jesus today. We marvel at your love for the whole world including us. Amen.


You are loved!