Journey April 6th, 21
Journey April 6th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey April 6th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

There is something beyond death. Something more powerful, something more final. Death is not the final word. Death is not the final note. It's not the end of the story. No, Jesus is bigger and more powerful and victorious over death. Death doesn't have the final word Jesus does. Jesus is making all things new, a new creation, he's reworking, remaking all things and all things will be filled by him. He will be all in all. He is the divine Telos.  He is the end point and purpose behind all creation. All that is, and all of this has already been done. It is finished. Jesus has rested from his work. He is resting in his eternal Sabbath, and we are invited to enter into his rest. His place of victory, his place of strength, his place of joy and peace. So Paul tells us very plainly, be strong. Be strong, be immovable. You are with Christ in His finished work you are with the one who is the final word Amen.


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