Journey - April 7th, 21
Journey - April 7th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey - April 7th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

These three women come. The day has yet to begin. And they are there to finish what was started, to anoint Jesus body for burial. This tomb, this cemetery is a painful reminder that they're all alone. This man they are going to anoint, had poured out His life for them in the way that he lived, the way that he forgave the way that he loved all.  They felt seen, and known, and free when they were with him. But now he's dead, in all the hope that he represented was also dead, and he was gone. So they think, until an angel and white shows up, he has a very simple message for them. For the disciples, and for Peter. He says these words. "Now go and tell his disciples, including Peter, that Jesus is going ahead of you to Galilee, you will see him there just as he told you before he died." The message of the resurrection is this. God has overcome the grave. God has not left us behind. In fact, he's gone ahead on into Galilee. And there he will meet us. God is overcome the grave. He has not left us behind or abandon us. God doesn't do abandonment. Now, he's come to rescue us completely. he rescues us from death and the despair of being left behind or alone. That is the message of the resurrection. God has overcome all and he's gone ahead, and he meets with us, and He will continue to be with us. Each and every day of our life. God has overcome. Christ is risen. He has gone ahead of you and He will meet with you even today hallelujah.


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