Journey - April 8th, 21
Journey - April 8th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey - April 8th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

A deep sense of awe came over them all. Out of that awe came a devotion to each other, and a generosity toward the world. Those on the outside of their community, they were inviting inside. Because they saw something truly awesome, truly inspiring. They saw grace, God's grace toward everyone. They saw the God who had reconciled the whole world to Himself through his son. They saw the God who was including everyone in this work that he had done. It was completely different than what they had seen before. Many no doubt were religious, devout Jews even. And they had a faith that was rooted in piety and in the Bible, and yet they saw him as exclusive to themselves and not for others. And as awesome as they knew this God to be, what they now were experiencing was something truly different. A God who was for all, gracious, loving.  oh, may God open our eyes to see what they saw. To be in awe of Him, who loves everyone. And from that will flow a new and generous way of seeing, being and living in this world. We will have goodwill towards all, because God's will is for all to be loved. Amen.


You are loved!