Journey - June 20th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Don't you care if we drown? That's the question that lurks at the bottom of our hearts. Does God care that we're drowning? Does God care about what I'm going through? Does God care about what's happened to me? Does God care about these scars I carry around? We all seem to carry that question with us.  Now, in this story, when it looked like this storm was gonna get the best of them all. Jesus is sleeping, and his disciples are terrified. They think the wind and the waves are going to kill them. And they want to know. And we all want to know, does he care? Jesus wakes up at their request. And he does something. But before he does something, he asks them a question in turn. Why are you afraid? Now that responsive? Jesus seems so absolutely insensitive and strange and tone deaf? Isn't it obvious why they are afraid? Isn't it obvious? Why we feel the way we do? And his response after that is perhaps an invitation. I'm trying to figure that out. But his question is this. Do you still have no faith, even with me here with you, in the midst of what you are going through, when you refuse to have faith, even when you are sinking, and it feels like all will be lost? Will you have faith? There will be a time in all of our lives when the boat will actually go down. When the wind and the waves in the storm will take us. We're all destined to die. And when that happens, Jesus will be there with us. So we need not be afraid. And the invitation even at that moment is have faith. So today, Lord, as we read through this passage, we ask that you would help us. Help us to realize that you're with us. train our ears to hear your words. Faith I'm with you. The resurrection, the life. Your Savior, your friend, is with you. Teach us these things today, Lord. Amen.

You are loved!