Journey - June 3rd, 21
Journey - June 3rd, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey - June 3rd, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast


The Daily Radio Bible Podcast takes listeners through the Bible in one year with Hunter Barnes. Listen on Spotify  Google Podcast  or Apple Podcasts  

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Transcription begins here:

Psalm 130 is a psalm for pilgrims making their way to God. on our journey, there will be struggles. There will be tears and loss and despair. And we like all the pilgrims before us will cry out to the Lord. We cry out to God. But the psalmist wants us to know that God hears our cry and that God is merciful and kind. He tells us in verse 3,  that God does not keep record of our sins on this pilgrimage. Instead, God forgives as we journey to him. And as we wait and as we hope, he meets us on this pilgrimage, he heals us, and he redeems us. There is a song for pilgrims a song of hope. A Song of God. A song of love. Amen.


You are loved!