Journey May 1st, 21
Journey May 1st, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey May 1st, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Psalm 22, "the whole earth will acknowledge the Lord in return to Him. All the families of the nations will bow before him." David is saying something. He's acknowledging that God is the God of all, and God's redemption extends to all. Not just one people, but all people. Amos sees this too. In verse seven, he describes God asking a question of Israel. "Are you Israelites more important than Ethiopians as the Lord. I brought Israel out of Egypt. But I also brought the Philistines from Crete and led the arameans out of Kerr." Amos sees that the God of Israel is the God of all. He is the God who's working out the redemption and return of all people to himself. And it's happening in little ways, almost imperceptible ways. Jesus says it looks something like a mustard seed. It's the smallest most humble of seeds. When it's planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all plants. And all the birds come and rest in its shade. This is what David saw. It's what Amos  saw. And it's what Jesus has done. Let us worship the God of all and participate with him in the planting of the small Kingdom seed.  And worship, as we see the God who draws the world to Himself. Amen.


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