Journey May 22nd, 21
Journey May 22nd, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey May 22nd, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Water is life. Nowhere is this more evident than in the desert. When you go to Israel, you become keenly aware of the value of water. Water is life, no water, no life. Jesus stands on the last day of this festival of lights. And he commandeers this moment to make this announcement. Anyone who is thirsty may come to me. For the scriptures declare, rivers of living water will flow from his heart. Your heart is dying from lack of water. But Jesus in His mercy says, Come, anyone come, everyone come, all can come, come and drink your fill of life. Life in him. Your heart need not die of thirst. No. If you come to him your heart will become a fountain of life into this world. Are you thirsty? Come today and drink Amen.


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