Journey May 26th, 21
Journey May 26th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey May 26th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

JOHN wants you to see his wounds. Jesus is taking his wounds with him into eternity. It appears, perhaps wounds that we suffer or carry here in this life, that are offered on behalf of others, because of love, perhaps these wounds will follow us into eternity. For they are the marks of love. Sometimes we look at our wounds and our disabilities in this life. And we can discount them as something we are ashamed of or embarrassed by. At times, I'm concerned for our disabled brothers and sisters and the way that we speak about disabilities as if they are simply something that we want to have fixed or done away with. But here Jesus is showing us something different. Something that is much more redemptive and amazing. He's showing us his wounds after the resurrection. He's carrying them with him still, because they were offered in love and for the service of love to the whole world. Perhaps our wounds, our disabilities are the very things that God will and can redemptively us in the service of love for others so that others might be healed, and know that they too are loved just the way they are. JOHN says this as he spoke, he showed them his wounds in his hands inside. And they were filled with joy when they saw the Lord Amen.


You are loved!