Journey Through Lent - Day 15
Journey Through Lent - Day 15
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey Through Lent - Day 15

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

There is an opportunity for us to wake up to who we really are. And who we really are, is children of light. That's the truth of your being. This is why God sent His Son into the world. john the baptist said this of him in chapter one, verse nine, the one who is the true light who gives light to everyone has come into the world. And he's come in to turn the light on, to cast his healing light into the darkness. As we draw to Jesus, we are drawn into his light and his life. The life that is shared with the Father, with the spirit, and when we begin to see ourselves in the light of his being, the triune life of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we will see our true faces for the very first time we will see who we really are. God's child is loved. So, as verse 36 says, while you have the light, trust in the light, so that you might become sons of light or so that you might become who you really are. may that be so?

You are loved!