Journey Through Lent Day 23
Journey Through Lent Day 23
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey Through Lent Day 23

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Glorious Grace has been poured out on us. When our eyes begin to see this, that God in His great love for all humanity has adopted me and united me to himself through no effort or virtue of my own. When we begin to see and experience this, we begin our walk of faith, from this place of grace, this place of Union, the walk begins, are you union with Christ is the foundation of all that is to come. So today, let's begin and move from there. You are united with Christ. He has done this and you are His child. The father has poured out His grace upon you and He loves you. Now, go live your day, not trying to perform or earn but simply being the real you to the glory of God. Amen.


You are loved!