Journey Through Lent - Day 27
Journey Through Lent - Day 27
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey Through Lent - Day 27

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

He transforms the bitter water into water that is sweet, from water that cannot sustain life, to water that brings forth life. God did this. God showed Moses a piece of wood and Moses threw the wood into the water. And the water was made good. The bitterness is somehow drawn into that wood and now the people will live.   

On the cross, Jesus draws unto himself, Mara, the bitterness, the darkness and deepest gloom, the chains of distress, the trouble, all those things that people cry out, for God to help them through. Their God draws it into himself. Christ became sin, even though he knew no sin, in order that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ, in order that life giving water would pour forth from our very beings, because of him.  Let us bring our lament during this season of Lent. Our cry for help profess our deep need for him to be the source of water that he promises to be so that we might drink deep and that we might pour forth the water of life Amen.


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