Journey Through Lent - Day 28
Journey Through Lent - Day 28
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey Through Lent - Day 28

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Earlier in this book of 1 Corinthians, Paul tells us that a rock was following the people through the wilderness. And he says that rock was Christ, the very same rock that Moses struck earlier in their journey. And now in this passage, we see Moses once again but now he being told to speak to the rock. But he's so exasperated with the people and their constant arguing and grumbling, that he lifts up the staff. And he hits the rock, instead of speaking to it. He doesn't trust...he takes things into his own hands.

God will not have us take things into our hands. The waters, he provides our spiritual, they're not from us. And his life of freedom and restoration is not from our hands, they are from his. The story he is telling among his people, is that God has taken it upon himself to satisfy the thirst of his people, to liberate his people from their slavery and death. And to bring them into the new land and resurrection life. God will do this. This is the gospel. Moses and Aaron are now forbidden from entering the land of promise, because they missed the story of God. And instead, they took things into their own hands in their anger.

As we continue in this journey through Lent, let us look to God who is the source of our life. He is the living water and he has freed us to live in him. To trust him to place our lives into his hands. There we will be satisfied in there. We will have life in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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