Journey Through Lent - Day 34
Journey Through Lent - Day 34
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey Through Lent - Day 34

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Today's music is offered to us from our friend, fellow pilgrim and listener to the Daily Radio Bible Podcast, David Nevue, find out more at 

Today's Devotional:

There is a new way, and it makes you right with God. And you have been included in that new way. it wasn't because of something you have done, no religious service or performance was necessary. it was and is only God. Paul says in this in vs 5 "It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualifications comes from God. God has made a new way for us to become his people, and he took the way to do this completely out of our hands. This was done by God alone, by His son, through the holy Spirit. And Paul says it is glorious. And it is forever.

let me say this again, because the news here is really good. "God's new way makes us right with God." And that's not just for some select few, that is for everyone, including you. And that is glorious!

You are loved!