Journey Through Lent - Day 35
Journey Through Lent - Day 35
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey Through Lent - Day 35

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Today's music is offered to us from our friend, fellow pilgrim and listener to the Daily Radio Bible Podcast, David Nevue, find out more at 

Today's Devotional:

Death has been defeated. Through Jesus death, he defeats death, and wins for all, life.

Peter tells us plainly who killed Jesus, and according to Peter it wasn't the Father. God did not kill his son. No, this is not what was happening on that dark day. There is no division in the trinity, the father and the son are one. Paul says elsewhere that God was IN christ reconciling himself to the world. The Father was there, the son was there, the spirit was there. And their on the cross they were displaying the self-giving, radically forgiving, co-suffering love of God for the whole world.

The father doesn't kill the son, Peter says, he died at our hands, we killed the author of life, and Jesus killed death and the grave in order to give his life to those who thought he was their enemy.

It's so important to see this. God was in Christ reconciling himself to the world.

You are loved!