Journey Through Lent - Day 40
Journey Through Lent - Day 40
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Journey Through Lent - Day 40

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Sometimes things are happening right under our nose and we don't really see it. They thought they were seeing something. They thought on this Palm Sunday that they were seeing the beginning of the defeat of the Roman Empire. And they were there to welcome in their hope for conquering King. the defeat of Rome by their own champion warrior Jesus was about to take place. So they thought, but that's not what was going on. Jesus was on his way to defeating Empire. Yes, all the Empires earthly and spiritual. But he wasn't going to do it the way empires do. This would not look like a young lion conqueror, leading a bloody revolt. No, this would look more like a lamb, offering his blood, offering himself to defeat the Empires including death and the grave. There's something happening right here, right under their nose. And they don't see it yet, but they will. They will see that this was the fulfillment of prophecy. And when they see him in his glory, risen from the dead, they'll understand the scriptures. And they'll understand the nature of God's heart and his power. It's nothing like the powers of this world. This King achieves his victory through self giving, radically forgiving, co suffering love. That's what's going on right under their nose. And one day they'll see it as we enter into this Holy Week. Let's ask God to give us eyes to see what's really going on. eyes to see the love of God Amen.


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