July 21st, 20
July 21st, 20
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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July 21st, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

JULY 21,   Strength for Trials

Isaiah 36-37, Psalm 76 and I Peter 1

We live with great expectation…

There are trials ahead, but there is strength for the trial, and joy beyond that. First Peter 1:6 says:  

So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.

Trials are certain and sometimes the “little while” doesn’t seem that little.  We all go through trials.  No one is exempt.  We all face hard times, really hard times.  Our hope lies in the promise of hope, and even joy, beyond the trial.  Not everyone experiences this.  Unfortunately, for some, perhaps even most, the trials of this life lead to despair and defeat.  The walls of our souls crumble under the weight of the attack.  

Hezekiah was tempted to crumble in fear and defeat.   He could see the circumstances and the outcomes of all those other kingdoms.  They had crumbled when facing the overwhelming terror and trials of the Assyrian king.  But instead of crumbling, Hezekiah turned to God.  He didn’t go to Egypt for help.  He didn’t try to manipulate his way out by surrendering or offering more tribute.  He didn’t give in to despair.  No. Instead, he trusted God and God gave him the victory.  But that victory took some time.  Isaiah told him that it would take three years, but to hold on, because there would be joy ahead.  He let him know that the first years would be hard, and very lean.  The people would eat only what would grow up by itself.  But the second year it would be a little easier.  They would eat what sprang up from that first growth.  But in the third year, they would see a breakthrough.  In that third year they would plant crops and harvest them.  They would tend vineyards and eat their fruit.  And those who escaped the ravages of the siege, who endured the hard times, and had gone through the trials,  would put roots down in their own soil, grow, and flourish.  

There it is.  We’re all going to go through hard times, but there’s strength in the trials.  And beyond that, there’s joy.  It may take some time. It may take a season, or several seasons, but if we lay out our hearts before God and trust Him, we can find the strength we need.   If we believe Him - that these trials are for a season and a purpose, then we can find joy.  We will be transformed.  Our roots will grow down into the soil of God’s faithfulness, and we will flourish. 

These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. (I Pt 1:7 NLT)

In Christ, there is strength for the trials, and if we look with the eyes of faith, we will see that there is joy around the corner.  Let’s lay our hearts out before God in trust and see what he does.  He is working out his purposes in our lives, refining us through the trials, so that we might know him and he might be glorified in us.  

You are loved!