July 23rd, 21
July 23rd, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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July 23rd, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Change requires work, change of appetites, change of habits, changing the things we turn to, instead of turning from, it's going to take some work. And that's going to take some time, you might be sick and tired of your way of doing things. Maybe you're just exhausted with yourself. If so, Peter tells us right here, that getting rid of the things you want to change isn't going to be enough. If we just remove it, when the troubles come, when we're stressed out, we're going to go right back to where we've been, and do the things we've done before. No, simply stopping what you're doing, doesn't bring about the change that you want. It's not just stopping. No, it will also require starting craving something new. The answer is never just to get rid of the old to sweep the cupboards of all the junk food. No, you've got to change your diet and begin craving something altogether different. The pure spiritual milk of God's word, it requires a total change of diet, we must replace it and not just remove it. We need to assume a childlike heart and crave the pure spiritual milk of the word. The word is Christ, to draw from Christ or nourishment or comfort or life, Peter says become like a baby in that regard, totally dependent upon him. Peter says, If we do that, we will begin to experience change, real change from the inside out. So let's do that. Let's continue to show up here, each and every day. to train our souls to partake of God's food. His milk is bred to be depended upon him for our very breath. It's not just about getting rid of things. It's about him. Finding our life in him learning something new altogether, as we come to him, the source of our true nourishment in life. And that's the prayer that I have for my own soul. That's the prayer that I have for my family for my wife. My daughter's my son. That's a pair that I have for you. May it be so

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