March 13th, 21
March 13th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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March 13th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

You Can’t Do It On Your Own

Today’s readings are Deuteronomy 22 – 24 and Galatians 4.  Readings are from the New Living Translation.

Set free!  Most of us are not free.  Most of us are sentimental legalists.  We flatter ourselves and think we are better at this righteousness than we really are.  That’s why Paul says,


”Tell me, you who want to live under the law, do you know what the law actually says?” (Gal 4:21).

The answer is No.

The demands of the law are impossible!  It’s downright hard to read sometimes. Breaking the law warrants death.  And if you want to get sobered up to the demands of the law and the judgement due us, because of it, you don’t have to go much further than our reading in Deuteronomy today.  Let’s ditch this sentimental self-righteous fantasy that we are somehow able to pull this off.  We’re not!  Holiness is so far out of reach of my flesh that I’d sooner turn into a unicorn than a saint, if it were up to my effort to be holy.  But thanks be to God.  The right standing, that I couldn’t achieve, has been achieved and purchased for me by the one and only Man – Christ Jesus himself, who could pull it off.  He did achieve this spotless life.  His sacrifice of death for people like you and me, has not only set us free from the penalty of sin , but he has given us His spirit to occupy our body and our life. He has made us his adopted children.  This whole glorious transaction creates a new desire, and a new cry from the heart that says, “Abba Father” - not, “I can do it.”

So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” (Rom 8:15)

There is new Life and real Freedom.  Don’t be fooled into sentimental, legalistic, powerless living.  Instead there is forgiveness, Sonship and power through the Holy Spirit living and abiding in you- in your body- and in all those who believe. His Spirit and His life live in you!

Allow your eyes to be drawn to the glorious grace that has been given to you in Christ.  There is only one glorious Man who lived the righteous life we long for.  And there’s only One who can live the Christian life now.  It’s not you, it’s Christ living in and through you.  May you find your rest, hope, and strength, in no other place but in Him.  The Christian life is impossible apart from Christ, but in Christ, all things are possible.  Live free and alive in Him today.

You are loved!