March 27th, 21
March 27th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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March 27th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

You have a part to play. You have your own note to add to God's great Symphony. He's composing the most beautiful of songs the world has ever known. It's a song of deliverance, freedom, love, and you have a part to play. You get to add your sound to God's amazing symphonic masterpiece.  We actually get the word personality from the Latin word persona, literally meaning "your sound". God has created you to make a specific sound, if you will, to offer your own note. And he wants you to add your sound to his great song.

In Ephesians 210 it says we are God's masterpiece. That word masterpiece in the Greek is poema, which means poem. And God has expertly crafted you to be right in the place where you are, to be who you are. In learning to play our part, we must learn to accept our own humanity. And you should do this because God has. God has accepted your humanity. He's accepted all of humanity, he became one of us. Beyond that he knows you, He knows all your secrets. He knows how frail you are. As the Prophet says he knows that we are but dust. But he also knows that now in Christ, you have become a partaker in the divine nature of God Himself. You are divine dust, if you will. You are deeply valued and cherished by God. And part of our journey is learning to discover what it means to be a partaker in the divine life of God. This does not mean that you are God. But it does mean that God has embraced you into his life. And now you are His child. We must learn both of these things as we learn to play our part in God's Symphony...our humanity AND our participation in God's divinity. And that lived out will begin to look like the giving of oneself, being radically forgiving in life. And learning to suffer alongside those who are in pain, self giving, radically forgiving, co suffering love. This is what it looks like to be divine dust to live as the masterpiece that you really are. And that's a prayer that I have for my own soul. 


You are loved!