March 28th, 21
March 28th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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March 28th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Jabin was a cruel canaanite king and for 20 years he rolled over israel 20 years is a long time to have someone in charge who shouldn't be in charge Jabin and his right hand man Sisera the commander of his armies our picture of the flesh it's a picture of a tyrant that rules over us in charge where it shouldn't be in charge flesh is a terrible king and there's only one answer for the flesh the answer is seen in the actions of Jael put a nail in the flesh she used that tent peg and pierced and killed Sisera there's only one answer for anything that we put in the place of God radical action to crucify it that's what Jesus did, he became sin who knew no sin he became flesh and there on that cross he allowed himself to be pierced because that's the only answer for the flesh.  He made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God , in him he was made sin for us so that we might be made free from the tyranny of the flesh and now because Christ has done this for us we are empowered by his spirit now we can put to death the flesh that wants terrorize us that was once in charge where it shouldn't have been in charge god has come and offered himself to make us free he has provided the only answer to the flesh he allowed a nail to go through him that we might have life this was a great victory for israel after this israel would never need to battle with the canaanites again in many ways this was a final battle well that battle on the cross was final love won the victory for us at the cross and now we can have victory moving forward our king of love jesus was slain but he has risen in victory for us galatians 220 says i have been crucified with christ and i no longer live but christ lives in me the life i now live in the body i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me


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