May 22nd, 21
May 22nd, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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May 22nd, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

We are all lawbreakers in need of someone who will come and fulfill the law for us. We can't do it on our own. Because we are spiritually dead. We need a champion for this cause someone who will fulfill righteousness for us. The law points to this, we need someone who will do something about our spiritual darkness. And the need goes even deeper, we need someone who will do something about death and the grave. The gospel is, this that Jesus has come as our champion to deal with sin, death and the grave for all. He's come to sit with humanity in our unrighteousness, not to condemn us, but to suffer alongside of us and to die on our behalf. And in dying, he defeats death, freeing us from its penalty and grip. This is what Hebrews 2:14- 15 says, since therefore the children share flesh and blood, he himself likewise shared the same things. So that through death, he might destroy the one who has the power of death. That is the devil. And for those who all their lives were held in slavery, by fear of death. All that was needed for us to overcome sin death, the grave has been done in Christ. He alone is the one who has fulfilled the laws purpose. In doing this, he fulfilled all righteousness on behalf of all. Much more than that, He has defeated the evil one. He has defeated death. And he has drawn us into His victory and his life. Ours is to say yes, to wake up to this new reality that is here now. In Christ. 


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