May 24th, 21
May 24th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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May 24th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast


The Daily Radio Bible Podcast takes listeners through the Bible in one year with Hunter Barnes. Listen on Spotify  Google Podcast  or Apple Podcasts  

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Music provided by David Nevue find out more at 

Where do you stand? Do you stand with Adam? Or do you stand with the Son, Jesus, the second Adam? Because of Adam's sin, sin entered the world, and all of humanity found their standing in him. But now Christ is undone what Adam has done. Romans 5:18 says this astounding thing. Yes, Adams one sin brought condemnation for everyone. But Christ's one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life to everyone. Jesus, the second Adam, has drawn us into his life, into the triune life of God. We did stand in Adam. Now we stand in Christ. Paul says that because of Christ's righteousness, we have a right relationship with God and new life. And the tragedy is that there are many who have called on the name of Jesus to be saved, but they have failed to see and to understand where it is that they stand. We don't even know that this is where we have been placed. But the reality is, we are now standing in him. Standing, It's not something that you earn or strive for. It's something that's been done for us. Something we must receive and rest in, rejoice in. Do you know where you stand? Do you know that in Christ, you have been brought to a place of undeserved privilege? Do you know that you've been adopted into God's family and you didn't achieve this standing through your own effort or strength? No, you were brought there as a gift. You've been placed there. Not because of your own piety or performance, but because of him. It's a gift. You are in him. Be sure of where you stand today. For the sake of your own soul, for the sake of your your peace, for the sake of the strength that you're going to need. Know that Christ has placed you in himself. today. You no longer stand with Adam. You stand with the Son. You stand with Jesus. Tell your soul today, soul. You stand with Jesus today. You have been brought into a place of undeserved privilege. And nothing can ever separate you from the love of God shown to us in Christ. His faithful love will endure forever. Enter into the joy, the strength, the peace of it, and allow God to share that with others through you. 


You are loved!