May 24th, 22
May 24th, 22
Separation and union; 1 King 110-11; 2 Chronicles 9 and Romans 6
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May 24th, 22

Separation and union; 1 King 110-11; 2 Chronicles 9 and Romans 6


Separation and union. 

Well, now you are free. Did you hear it? Did you hear Paul clearly say it. Verse 22, now you are free. You are free from the power of sin. And yet,  you have  become a slave, but not to sin, but to God.  You are united to him,  And it's all because of what Christ has done for us and and because of the Spirit of Christ that now dwells in us. Enabling you, empowering you, awakening you, to who you really are. now in Christ, you become a new creation, a new person, a free person, no longer a slave to sin, no longer imprisoned by your past, or to the inclinations or habits that that have imprisoned you in the past. You are free. And you can begin to learn to live in the truth of your freedom.  You can exercise your freedom, to be what you now are. That's what the life of discipleship. But it begins with truth of your union with God. rooting yourselves in this new reality, that has been purchased for you, accomplished for you, now living in you, you're free. You're absolutely free. Now you are a slave of God. Free to live as God has always intended for you, in him, forever.   

Today’s readings are Jeremiah 37 – 39 and II John 1.  We are reading from the New Living Translation. 

Blinded by his pride and fear, Zedekiah, in the end, became what he was.   His eyes were taken out.  He was a prisoner to his fear and pride.  In the end he was led off into captivity.   All his worst fears came true. He became what he was – blind and a prisoner. What a harsh and cruel master pride is.

What we hear in II John today is so different.  John is letting us know how grace, mercy, and truth come to all who love God and his kingdom more than their own selves – who don’t let fear, pride and self stand in the way.  Zedekiah and his officials, blindly held on to our own lives and kingdom, even after repeated warnings.

Let’s be alert to any desire within or without, that would dissuade us from the love, truth and mercy that we have in Jesus.  John says,

Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked so hard to achieve. Be diligent so that you receive your full reward. (II Jn 1:8 NLT)

We do that by remaining in the truth of the Gospel.  Remind your heart each day, of the great love God has for you in Christ.  You are God’s child.  You are one who listens to his Word and responds to what he says, in faith.  You have eyes that see, ever being freed from the blindness that comes from pride and fear.  May you see more today, walk more in faith and experience freedom.  May you receive your full reward – the love, mercy and grace that is yours, in Christ.

You are loved!