May 28th, 21
May 28th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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May 28th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Wisdom has a secret. And the secret is to trust in God. don't exclude God and rely simply on your own understanding. Lean on him. The writer here is addressing us as children. The wisdom of God will be experienced in the context of relationship with God. As family, the creator of all things invites you to know Him, to be known by him, to enter into conversation with him. Anyone who trust in him will never be disgraced. We're told, there's so much that I don't understand in this life, about my own heart, about God. But what I am learning is that I can trust him. And he desires that I walk with him. His purposes are good for me, and he's always working for my best. He cares for us. Sometimes I get proud and arrogant, and I begin to feel like an employee and not a son. I feel entitled and less grateful. I become more distant from my own heart, from the heart of others, the heart of God. But we saw today that wisdom cries out to hearts like that, like a good father, wisdom, shepherds us into life, and away from destruction. That's why I come to the word each day with you, to train my heart in the way of wisdom, not by memorizing all these dictates. I come to hear the voice of my father, drawing me into his life and into his joy. I come because wisdom invites me to walk with Him, to see myself as he does, as God's child drawn into that relationship, by no doing of my own, but simply by God's grace in his love. For me, and that love for me is not exclusive to me. It's it's a love that extends to every human being that was ever born. No. When we trust in Him, we will never be disgraced. When we trust in Him, we discover his grace. We are unfolded in his grace. We are made alive and joyful in his grace and that's a prayer that I have for my own soul. That's the prayer that I have for my family for my wife, my daughters, my son. And that's a prayer that I have for you may be so


You are loved!