May 6th, 20
May 6th, 20
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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May 6th, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast


Today’s readings are II Samuel 11 -12,  Psalm 51, and Matthew 23

Shakespeare, in his play, Hamlet, said, ….the play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King.

A story, whether told in the form of a play, or face to face, is powerful.  And it was a story told by the prophet Nathan, hat captured the heart and conscience of King David.   The story was of a rich man’s cruel treatment of a poor man and his little lamb. The rich man broke trust and took what wasn’t his.  He conspired, and killed, and covered it up. All these things that were part of the story Nathan told, and all were lived out in David’s life.  He broke trust with his faithful servant, Uriah, taking what wasn’t his and then conspired, killed and attempted to cover it up.

It was Nathan’s story that exposed David’s heart, not only to those listening, but more importantly, to David himself.  He saw himself for who he was; a cruel thief, adulterer and murderer. He saw all of it and he knew that he had sinned against God.  He had despised the Word of the Lord.  That’s what we’re told, repeatedly, in this story.

Why, then, have you despised the word of the LORD and done this horrible deed? (II Sam 12:9 NLT)

God’s Word has authority over our life.  When we refuse to live under His authority, and instead, make this life all about us, we are capable of great cruelty.  We can lie to ourselves to the point that we no longer know the truth.  But God is faithful to those he loves, and he loves David.  In his love he brings Nathan to David, who faithfully applies God’s Word - the story God gave him - to king David’s deceitful heart.  And that story captures David’s heart. 

God showed his steadfast love by faithfully bringing his Word, once again, to David.  David knew that what he needed was a new heart.  In Psalm 51 we hear him pray and beseech God to restore his heart, to make it new, to make it right again. 

Even though we despise his Word he still uses it in our lives to draw us back to himself.  He’s faithful and loving like that.  

Let’s let God use his Word in our lives each day, to restore, renew and encourage. Through the power of the new heart we have in Christ, we will learn to delight in his Word and not despise it.  We’ll move beyond our own cruelty to discover and grow from the comfort and compassion of his Word.  Then we will be able to offer that to a world that’s broken.


You are loved!