November 10th, 18
November 10th, 18
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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November 10th, 18

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Today’s readings are Job 35-36 and I Corinthians 7-8.  We are reading from the New Living Translation

You are free!  FULL STOP!  What are you going to do with your freedom? Remain free.  Regardless of your circumstances, you are to be, and remain, free.  Are you a slave? Remain free.  Are you free?  Remain free by being Christ’s slave.  Are you married?  Remain married but be free.  Are you single?  Live free in a way that you can best serve the Lord. Live free for God. If your freedom causes someone to stumble remain free by putting aside your freedom in that moment, for that person,  so that others can learn to grow in their freedom, too.  

The path to freedom is found in God’s Word, requires practice, and is offered by the Spirit of Christ.  He leads us into all wisdom, for our benefit and joy, for God’s glory, and the encouragement of others.  You, my friend, are free!  Full stop.  So remain free.

For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (II Cor 3:17 NLT)

So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. (Jn 8:36 NLT)

Live free and remain free!

You are loved!