November 17th
November 17th
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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November 17th

Daily Radio Bible Podcast


Today’s readings are Psalm 124 and II Corinthians 11-13.  We are reading from the New Living Translation

Paul was being called out for his weakness.  There were some who, apparently faulted him for not being the most dynamic, flamboyant speaker.  Super-apostles had come to town and were adding to the confusion of this church.  They were denouncing Paul’s authority and preaching another gospel that was not the Gospel, at all.  In our reading today, Paul takes the opportunity to teach us something about real power, strength, and authority.  God delights to show Himself strong through our weaknesses.  Paul accomplished so much over the course of his adult life.  He traversed so much of the known world, planted churches, spoke before kings and governors, wrote letters, discipled people that discipled people, and now you are discipled, because of what he had done. Yet when listing his accomplishments, he points to times of trial, peril, persecutions, poverty, and personal struggle.  Paul says that the places where real power, strength and authority can be seen are not from a  platform, a boasting heart, or a flamboyant preacher.  Real power is seen where real power is needed most. It’s seen in our weaknesses.  It shows up when things are falling apart and when we’re broken down and in deepest need.  That’s when we can count on experiencing God’s power, strength and authority – His life in us.  It’s most evident when we need him most, when our back is against the wall, when we are under threat, when we don’t know what to do, when we are holding on in the middle of a storm, for a day and a night.  Paul says these are the times when he found God’s strength and presence.

Don’t miss this teaching from Paul, amidst the flamboyant preachers and super-apostles claiming all sorts of special knowledge.  The greatest Strength can be found in our weakness.

“My grace is all you need.  My power works best in weakness.  I’m glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.” (II Cor 12:9)

Recognize and trust, today, that God’s strength is best shown in your weakness.

You are loved!