October 23rd, 20
October 23rd, 20
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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October 23rd, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast


Today’s readings are Job 15 and Acts 19-20. We are reading from the New Living Translation.

 church that he’s spent the last three years with. This is the last he’ll see them.   And he tells them, I trust you with the message- the only message I’ve ever given you. God’s grace is able to build you up and give you all you need.

And now I entrust you to God and the message of his grace that is able to build you up and give you an inheritance with all those he has set apart for himself. (Acts 20:32 NLT)

Is this the message that you have – God’s grace – able to build you up and equip you for all of life?  There are many other messages that we live by – messages that twist this simple, powerful, sublime message, into something complicated, hard, and impossible.  Instead of building our lives around the means of God’s grace, which is Jesus himself, we build our life around us.  This false message focuses our attention on us and what we do, our own piety and obedience – instead of on him.  So many people have been given this message – a message that says Try hard, and if that doesn’t work, try harder and after you have tried your hardest hope that it’s enough.

If that’s you, Paul wants to give you something different, today.  It’s the only message he gives.  It’s a message that can truly transform your life from the inside out, and it’s not dependent or focussed on you.  You’ll be involved. There will be work to do – no doubt.  But it will be done with a confidence and dependence on Christ’s life, in you.  You will be trusting and resting in him to do what he alone can do in your life and the lives of those around you.

Paul wants to give you something new today, his final message.  He wants to give you a message of grace.  He’s going to trust you with it.  It’s will build you up and give you all you need to make your way in this life, fully alive in Him.Build your life on this message that Christ is enough.

You are loved!