Daily Radio Bible with Hunter & Heather

Worth your time!

This podcast is fantastic! Hearing God's Word daily will change your life and this helps you do just that! I recently had to abstain from computers, reading, and TV for a while, doctors orders, and what a blessing it was to still be able to listen to the Word and be encouraged regularly. The focus is always on the Word, which is so powerful in itself, but the short commentary at the end is always well worth the wait too! You will sense the voice of the Holy Spirit illuminating new truths and speaking to your heart as Pastor Hunter reads with great expression. It also gives a great sense of community as you realize you are journeying through the greatest Book in history with people all over the world, in a way that makes you feel like you're sitting down for a chat over coffee with an old friend. You owe it to yourself to check it out and then share it with a friend - you'll be glad you did!

June 19, 2014 by Bob & Noie on Apple Podcasts

Daily Radio Bible with Hunter & Heather

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