September 28th, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

He Will Certainly Care for You

Zechariah 4 - 6 and Luke 12

Look at the flowers and the birds!  Feeling stressed today?  Go outside and take a good long look.  They don’t work or stress the way we do, especially those flowers. Let them remind you that God cares for you. Jesus says, 


Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 28 And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? (Lk 12:27-28 NLT)


The flowers are a reminder that God cares for you.  He’s working for you.  Whatever point of stress woke up on your chest today, he cares for that.  He’s taking care of that.  And the extent that we are truly able to live in this promise is the extent to which we can live with generous lives.  Not just with our money but generosity in every area of our lives: time, attention passions - everything about us. 

If I know that God cares for me, that this life is not measured by how much I own, then I’ll be free of a whole lot of stress, and free to give my life away in love, resources, time and service.  I’ll live a generous life.  That freedom begins by understanding that God is taking care of you.  He’s taking care of all those stresses. He’s making all things work out for the good of those he loves, those he values and cares for, so much more than flowers or birds. 

Take some time to enjoy the flowers today.  Go buy some flowers for yourself or someone else.   Spend at least one minute looking at them.  And let God speak to you.  Let Him remind your soul that He cares for you.  He’s taking care of you. 

You are loved!