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We are reading through the New Living Translation.
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Follow Today's reading: Jeremiah 10-12; John 14
Come, let’s be going.
Today’s readings are Jeremiah 10-12 and John 14. We are reading from the New Living Translation.
Jesus parting words in chapter 14 are Come, let’s be going. These are such practical words, nothing obtuse, no great mystery. He’s simply telling them, You, follow me now.
I love that he ends on such a common, straight-forward command, to come and follow him - because the beginning of this chapter is anything but simple. Earlier in the chapter he is telling his disciples exactly who he is. He begins to reveal to them perhaps the deepest mysteries of the Trinity: that he is in the Father and the Father is in him. And that the Holy Spirit will come when he is no longer here, and be the Advocate. We will live in the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will live in us. Amazing mysteries are being explained here. And it’s no wonder that Thomas and Philip are scratching their heads. They’re wondering: Lord, we don’t know where you’re going…. if you would just show us the Father, and maybe slow down, and explain things a little better to us, we wouldn’t be worried. We wouldn’t be anxious. But Jesus simply says to them, Come let’s be going. It’s as if he’s saying, I’ll explain this to you and later you’ll understand. Later you’ll remember these words that I’ve spoken to you. But right now you need to come and go with me.
And isn’t that just like our life of faith? There’s so much we don’t understand, so much that we want further explanation and greater clarity on. And yet, the command that comes to us, by the abiding Spirit’s presence within us, is Come, let’s be going. In effect, he’s saying, Come, follow me.
What does our obedience and loyalty and love to this King of ours boil down to? Basically, loving him boils down to following him when we hear him say, Come, let’s be going. In following Him we are able to experience his peace of mind and heart. In following him, we find strength, joy, and confidence. In following him we experience the gifts that he has for us in this life. We experience the Way the Truth and the Life. All of this comes when we respond to His call to Come, let’s be going.
Heed His words to follow. respond to his presence in your life. Rest in him and know His peace, confidence and joy for you. Hear what he says,and lets go with him.
AUGUST 13, 2018 Where is Home for You?
We are reading from the New Living Translation.
Where’s home for you? I’m not talking about a city or a country. Those things can change. I’m talking about where you park your soul. Where do you reside? Where’s your abode? Jesus says he wants you to make your home with him.
Home is not a set of doctrines, traditions, or sentimental memories of time gone by. He says that there is a direct correlation between making your home with him and abiding or remaining in His Word. He says to abide in Him and abide in His Word. He wants you to make your home in His Word. And don’t forget that it’s a good word – it’s the Gospel It’s not a condemning word. It’s a word of Grace. It welcomes the tired, the exhausted, the bruised, the disappointed, and those burdened with shame and regret. It’s a healing word that says the pressure is off. Jesus says, Come home to me and make yourself at home in my word. My good word
This directly corresponds to remaining and abiding in his love. When you‘ve made yourself at home in his good loving word, you, in turn, will have love, you will know his love, and you will know to offer love to others. You can’t give what you don’t have. But if you have made your home in him and his loving gracious word, then you will have something to offer this broken, tired, and exhausted world. You’ll be able to offer Jesus’ love – You will offer the gospel by the very way you live. . And that will bear fruit!
Make your home where he is. Abide in Him, and bear much fruit.
Show up every day and learn to remain in his loving Word. And then sit back and see what happens. Keep your eye out for the fruit that comes of abiding in Him.